Flower Care



Slow Bouquet Care Tips

Enjoying local, seasonal flowers is a way to embrace impermanence.  Your bouquet will not last forever, and that very fact makes it more beautiful.  Watch a tulip open wide one day, and a delicate petal fall to your desk the next.  This cycle is part of the beauty, not the end of it.  Cherish the last peony knowing you will have to wait an entire year to smell one again, if you’re lucky.   Because you chose Farm To Vase®, you can rest easy that your flowers are the freshest around (by far!), but there are a few things you can do to delay the inescapable farewell:

  • Top off the water every day.
  • Drooping blooms can be revived by trimming the ends and rinsing/refilling the vase.
  • For mini vases I often use a flower frog wire grid.  Just screw the top off the jar and the flowers will lift right out.  Refill with fresh water and screw back on.  Easy!
  • Strip any leaves that are below the water line.
  • A pinch of sugar and a drop of vinegar in your vase will help feed the flowers and sanitize the water.
  • Flowers next to a bowl of fruit will age faster as the fruit releases ethylene gas.
  • Flowers in direct sunlight will age faster.
  • Your bouquet will change every day, so make it your own!  As the days go on cull flowers down to a smaller vase, or add things from your own garden.  You might have one single bloom that has outlasted all the rest.  Keep it in a bud vase and admire its resilience.
  • Always remember that none of these tips really matter.  A bouquet of flowers in a sunny window next to a bowl of fruit is a beautiful thing.  Don’t deny yourself this joy just because it breaks the “rules” of flower preservation.